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Student Handbook


Gadsden Elementary School

2024-25 Parent / Student Handbook


Accelerated Reader 

Crockett County Elementary students participate in the Accelerated Reader program.  Students read A.R. books and then take a test on their comprehension of the book by answering multiple- choice questions on the computer.  The student immediately sees the score, percentage correct, and the points earned. 


Afternoon Dismissal

First round car rider dismissal is at 2:50, second round dismissal is at 3:00.  

We use numbered car tags as a part of our dismissal procedure. Two tags per family will be given out within the first two weeks of school, along with your assigned dismissal time. If you need additional tags, they may be purchased in the office for $3.00 each. Please remain in your vehicle and have your car tag visible on your mirror.  If you do not have your car tag, you are required to come inside to check out your child. Do not come through the car line without your tag.  Teachers are instructed not to allow the child to be placed in a vehicle without seeing the tag. Please share this information with anyone who is picking up your child.  



If your child is truly sick, he/she should stay home, of course.  Missing school for any other reason can become a bad habit. Please schedule doctor's appointments, haircuts, shopping, and family vacations during out of school hours. If your child must stay home due to illness, ask the school if assignments can be sent home.  Keeping up with schoolwork will make things easier when he/she returns. Finally, remind your child that going to school is his/her number one job. If your child is absent, notify the office at 731.663.2453 and send doctor’s excuses or parent notes when your child returns.  A phone call does not serve as an excused absence.


Attendance Policy of Crockett County Elementary Schools

The Crockett County Board of Education deems good attendance a vital part of successful progress toward a student’s education.  The interaction between teacher and student and among students cannot be duplicated by outside class assignments.  Therefore, absences from class must be for significant and verifiable reasons.  Homes will be called when students are absent.  A student with a chronic illness or condition must provide district-approved documentation (updated yearly) for attendance purposes.

Students coming to school after 7:45 am are tardy and must sign in at the office. The principal will contact parents of students who are tardy/ check out frequently. Students should not leave early without a valid excuse. Students leaving before 2:50 pm must be signed out by an adult.

Tardies and Early Check Outs disrupt instruction time.  After 3 unexcused Tardy/Early Check Outs, a warning letter will be sent.  The fifth unexcused Tardy/Early Check Out will result in an unexcused absence. Following this, every third unexcused Tardy/Early Check Out will also count as an unexcused absence. Please advise whoever picks up your child of these rules.


Excused Absences are as follows:

  1. Personal illness of student, verified by a doctor signed, district approved medical excuse. (5 day time restraint on accepting doctor’s excuses)
  2. Failure of a bus to run.
  3. Required court appearance. (Must provide court excuse document)
  4. Bereavement/Funeral. (The School Administrator shall have discretion to determine if the absence was appropriate)
  5. Special circumstances which in the School Administrator’s judgment are out of the student’s control.
  6. Recognized religious holidays.
  7. School initiated request for a parent to pick up the student due to illness, weather, or other instance deemed excused by the School Administrator. (Only the day of the event shall be excused)
  8. Illness of a family member (The School Administrator shall have discretion to determine if the absence was appropriate)


All other absences will be coded unexcused and the following will apply:


Crockett County Schools

Progressive Truancy Intervention

Beginning 2024-2025 School Year Approved by TDOE

3 Parent notes will be accepted as excused absences. Parent notes are due within 2 days of your student returning to school. If notes are not received within the time frame the absence(s) will be classified as unexcused. We appreciate phone calls when your child is absent; however, they do not serve as an excuse. Excuses and parent notes must be turned into the office in order for the absence to be excused.


Tier 1

The progressive truancy plan shall apply to all students within the district and include schoolwide prevention-oriented supports to assist with satisfactory attendance. These supports shall include, but are not limited to, after 3 unexcused absences, the parent/guardian will receive a letter from the school making them aware of the student's current absences and including a copy of the compulsory attendance law and board policy.                                                

Tier II--5 unexcused absences          

1.  A conference with the student and the student's parent(s)/guardian(s); 

2. An attendance contract, based on the conference, signed by the student, the parent(s)/guardian(s), and the Attendance Supervisor/designee. The contract shall include:

a. A specific description of the school's attendance expectations for the student;

b. The period for which the contract is effective; and

c. Penalties for additional absences and alleged school offenses, including additional disciplinary action and potential referral to juvenile court.

3. Regularly scheduled follow-up meetings to discuss the student's progress; and

4. A school employee shall conduct an individualized assessment detailing the reasons a student has been absent from school. The employee may refer the student to counseling, community-based services, or other services to address the student's attendance problems.

Tier III--7 unexcused absences

Referral to School's Truancy Board

a.)   Students and Parents will appear before the Crockett County's Truancy Board. 

1.     Truancy Board has the ability to assign school-based community service. (Crockett Youth Academy)

2.     Elementary students can have their Social Probation time extended.

b.) Any additional absents will result in referral to Juvenile court for the student and possible criminal charges being filed against the parent(s)/guardian(s).

After 3 unexcused Tardies//Early Check Outs, a warning letter will be sent.  After the 5th unexcused Tardy/Early Check Out, every 3rd instance will count as one unexcused absence. 



Backpacks are allowed for elementary school students with the following requirements:

1)    Backpacks with shoulder straps only (no luggage)

2)    No rolling backpacks

3)    Backpacks must be held in lap while on bus

4)   Floors and isles must be kept clear for egress and emergency evacuation (state law)

5)   Violations of these rules will be reported as discipline referrals



Crockett County Board Policy states that no balloons may be delivered to students at school.


Breakfast and Lunch Prices

Student Breakfast                   No Charge (Universal Breakfast Program)

Full Price Lunch                      No Charge – all students receive a free lunch

Visitor Breakfast                     $ 3.25

Visitor Lunch                           $ 5.00

Visitor (child) Breakfast          $ 1.50  

Visitor (child) Lunch               $ 2.50

Special Event Meals               $ 5.00


Bus Activity

Bus transportation is provided as a privilege to students.  Proper behavior is expected on school buses at all times. In order to help ensure the safety of students, drivers and the general public, drivers are given the authority to establish reasonable rules for safety and conduct on their buses.  Drivers are also authorized to deal with minor disciplinary matters on their own, through assigning seats, contacting parents or other reasonable measures.  When deemed necessary, the driver may report students to the principal’s office for disciplinary action.

Classification I: Including but not limited to the following: out of seat. Excessive noise, throwing paper, food, candy, drinks, horseplay, gum, etc.

Classification II: Including but not limited to the following: weapons, drugs, assault, fighting, tobacco, harassment, safety violation, profanity, disrespect, disregard of previous bus suspension, and any other behavior that could pose a possible potential danger to others. No warning – 10 days minimum 1st referral.


First Office Referral:

Classification I: Warning and consequence at the discretion of the school administrator to include parental notification.

Classification II: Bus suspension for a minimum of 10 school days.

Second Office Referral:

Classification I: Bus suspension for a minimum of 10 school days

Classification II: Bus suspension for a minimum of 30 school days

Third Office Referral:

Classification I: Bus suspension for a minimum of 30 school days

Classification II: Bus suspension for the remainder of the school year.

Fourth Office Referral:

Bus suspension for the remainder of the school year.

No student shall have more than 4 bus referrals during one school year.


Cafeteria Policy and Conduct Regulations

The school cafeteria is maintained as a vital part of the health program of the elementary school.  To encourage good nutrition, well-balanced meals are offered at reasonable prices.  Compliance with the following rules will help to create a pleasant cafeteria environment.  Students are expected to:

            1. Remain in single file in the serving line and do not "cut in".

2. Be courteous to classmates and school employees. Do not touch other students’ food.

            3. Follow the cafeteria supervisor's directions.

            4. Return tray and deposit all litter in proper containers. Keep food and trash off of the floor.

            5. Refrain from loud talk, yelling, or horseplay.

6. Students are not allowed to leave campus for lunch.  All students are expected to eat lunch on campus, and lunches will either be provided by the cafeteria or brought from home.  Students may not purchase from outside vendors and deliver to school.

7. Please do not bring outside meals to your child when we have special meals such as Pizza with Pals. You are welcome to do this at other times; however, we do not allow sodas or other drinks to be brought with the meal.

School Board policy states - students are not allowed to have canned or bottled drinks, pouches, or carbonated drinks in the cafeteria. Beverages may be brought from home in a thermos. Water is provided in the cafeteria; therefore, students will not bring water bottles from the classroom.


Cell Phone Policy

Students may possess personal communication devices such as cell phones, trackers, smart watches as long as the device is turned off and in a backpack.


Check Cashing

Schools can accept checks for payment of goods and services such as lunches, workbooks, etc.; however, the check must be for the exact amount of purchase.  Checks cannot be written for cash.


Closing of School

When it becomes necessary to dismiss during the regular school day, announcements will be made at once, via Facebook, School Website, radio and the automated phone system.


Code of Conduct

Specific discipline policies have been established to prohibit disorderly conduct, the illegal possession of weapons, and the illegal use, possession, distribution, and sale of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs by students.

All School Systems are responsible by statute to have a Code of Conduct (TCA 49 - 6 - 4001- 4006). Parental signatures certifying receipt of a code of conduct should be on file. This code of conduct is given at the beginning of the year. GES provides each student with a maximum opportunity to acquire an education. NO student has the right to interfere with this opportunity for others by his/her actions, poor manners, or lack of consideration.  All rules and regulations are developed and enforced with this thought in mind. 

Some rules and regulations are specified by the Board of Education, some are school level, and others are established by the classroom teacher.   

Gadsden Elementary School will utilize a positive school-wide discipline plan (found at the end of student/parent handbook), where students are encouraged to practice the student code of conduct using incentives outlined by teachers, staff, and administration.  Inappropriate behaviors at GES fall into 2 categories of management – teacher or office.  Each category is addressed by a teacher and/or school administrators. Teachers will have a classroom behavior management system within their classrooms as well.


Student Code of Conduct

Practice Respect

Keep my hands, feet, and objects to myself*Be kind*Do not disrupt the learning of my friends* Be Honest*Treat others the way I want to be treated

Accept Responsibility

Take home graded papers, letters, and school materials to my parents*Accept responsibility for a bad choice and work to not repeat the mistake

Work Toward Success

Come to school every day unless I am sick*Complete and turn in all assignments/homework on time*listen and follow directions in class*Try my best on every assignment, every day

Stay Safe

Follow all classroom and school rules*Keep my desk and work area clean and neat*Use playground equipment and gym equipment the way it was intended to be used


Parent Code of Conduct

Practice Respect 

Use respectful words and actions, especially with your children*Be kind*Provide guidelines and firmness for children, but implement them with dignity and respect*Use good manners, not bad language*Deal peacefully with anger, insults and disagreements*Don’t gossip - If you have a concern, speak directly with the people involved rather than turn to social media

Accept Responsibility

Read the school newsletters*Read and sign your child’s planner*Review papers and information from school and return them in a timely manner*Model for your children taking accountability for your choices*Teach your child to be accountable for their choices



Work Towards Success

Attend school activities*Understand, follow, and support the school rules*Do your part to help out at school*Pick your child up on time* Keep your promises* Be honest with your children and others*Help your child with homework, but don’t do it for them

Stay Safe

Do your part to improve your school and community*Show respect for authority*Obey the traffic laws, including the parking lot at school


CCSS-Coordinated School Health

Overview and Health Screening Information is provided to parents at registration.


Dress Code - Students

Parents and guardians are expected to use their own judgment regarding student dress or appearance.  However, extremes in dress and appearance are not permitted.  Students are not permitted to wear the following:

* Tight, revealing or ragged clothing

* Undesirable messages or pictures

* Pants that sag far below the waistline.

* Hair styles that cause a disruption in student behavior 

(At the discretion of school administration)


Dress Code – Visitors

Visitors to school are asked to dress appropriately within the school setting.



Emergency Preparedness Plan

Emergency Preparedness drills are conducted throughout the year. Emergency plans may be viewed in the school office upon request.


Enrollment for Kindergarten /New Students

When new students enroll in elementary school, they:

1. Must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian (State Law 49-6-3001)

2. Must provide or be able to provide the school with:

            a. Record of Immunization (Green Card from Health Dept.)

            b. Proof of Physical Exam

            c. Certified Birth Certificate with number


Field Trips:

Field trips are planned at the discretion of the teacher.  Parents and guardians are asked to sign a Field Trip permission form at the time of registration.  Frequent misbehaviors may result in a loss of field trip privileges.  Decisions may be made on attendance, grades, behavior, or some combination. In deciding to attend a field trip, the student accepts full responsibility for his / her actions while on the trip. Students’ grades will not be affected due to a lost Field Trip privilege. 


Grading Scale

A         93-100 

B          85 – 92 

C         75 – 84 

D         70 – 74 

F          69 and below 


Guidance Services

Guidance services are provided to help all students with personal, academic, and behavioral problems.  Students may be referred to a school counselor by a teacher or the principal. Parents or students may also request guidance services themselves. Students may be counseled by a school counselor without the permission of parents.


Gum, Bottles, etc.

Students should not bring glass bottles to school.  Accidental breakage could result in an injury.  Students should not chew gum at school. It creates problems when it sticks to the floor, trays and furniture. (Gum may be permitted as an occasional reward as designated by the teacher.)



Crockett County Board of Education policy prohibits harassment (sexual, racial, ethnic, or religious) from occurring among its employees and/or students or to its employees and/or students and will make efforts to prevent it from happening.


Health Screenings

The Crockett County Office of Coordinated School Health will be conducting routine health screenings at all Crockett County Schools. Students in grades K, 2, & 4 will have height, weight, and blood pressure screened at no cost to you per Crockett County Board Policy 6.402. 


Home - School Communications

Effective communication does not just happen.  Particularly in home-school matters, communication has to be deliberate and well-planned.  Both the school and families must make an effort to ensure good communications. Staff members may be contacted by email or Remind.  Each teacher communicates via the Remind App and provides instructions for parents to join.

Staff members will be glad to meet with anyone at a pre-scheduled time. Instruction will not be interrupted for a drop in meeting.



Homework is very important since there is not enough time in the school day to practice new skills.  Therefore, every student will have some homework at sometime.  If your child says that they never have homework, check with your child's teacher.                      


Internet Usage

Most classes are Internet accessible. Internet Acceptable Use Guidelines are provided to students and acknowledged by parental signature. 


Immunizations Requirements of State

No person shall be permitted to enter PreK - 12 until age appropriate proof of adequate immunization against diphtheria, measles, pertussis, polio, rubella, mumps, and tetanus is presented to the school admissions officer.


Library Books/Text Books

Parents are responsible for replacement cost for lost or damaged library books or text books.


Medications Policy (State Policy)

1)  All medication must be brought to the school by a parent or guardian, so please do not send any medication with your child.  Medication should be taken to the school office by an adult.

2)  All medication must be transported to school in the original, pharmacy labeled container.  The container shall display:

            a) Student’s Name

            b) Prescription Number

            c) Medication Name and Dosage

            d) Administration Directions

            e) Date

            f) Licensed Prescriber’s Name

            g) Pharmacy Name, Address, and Phone Number

3) Over the Counter drugs to include lotions, salves, and ointments, Tylenol, etc.

            a) The medication must be brought in by a responsible adult.

b) Medication must be provided in an unopened container with the manufacturer’s original label with the ingredients listed.  The student’s name must be affixed to the container.

4) All medication must be kept under lock and in an area designated by the administration and will be dispensed in the school office or by a designated staff member.

5) A Physician’s Order and Parental Consent Form is included in the registration packet.

6) Please discuss with your physician, whenever possible, to order medications to be given outside of school hours.

     These policies are recommended by the State Department of Health and Education for the safety and well-being of our students.  If you are uncertain about a policy, please contact Molly Rowe, School Nurse, at 696-2440.


Mental Health

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK

National Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-4-A-Child (1-800-422-4453) 

Tennessee Crisis Resources: 866-791-9277 (rural west TN) 



Morning Arrival

Students should arrive between 7:15 and 7:30 in the morning and enter through the front doors. Students should be dropped off at the door or walked across the parking lot by an adult.  Do not allow your child to cross from the parking lot to the sidewalk unattended.  Traffic is congested during the morning drop off and unsafe for students to cross without supervision.

Students must be here by 7:25 to get breakfast; otherwise they do not have enough time to eat before they are dismissed to their classrooms. If you arrive after 7:45 you will need to sign your child in through the office.


Non- Discrimination Policy

Crockett County School System affirms that it will comply with the provisions Title VI and Title IX of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which state:

No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, gender or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

Anyone who believes that the school system has discriminated against them or another individual may file a complaint. The compliant can be sent to: 

DSP  Officer                                             Tenn Dept of Educ. and/or

Crockett County School Board             Office of Civil Rights

102 N Cavalier Rd                                    U.S. Dept of Educ

Alamo, Tennessee 38001                       P.O.B 2048,04-3010

                Atlanta, Ga 30301-2048


Parent / Teacher Conferences

There will be two formal Parent/ Teacher Conferences held during the school year, one each semester.  Individual conferences may be initiated by a parent, guardian, teacher, or the principal at any time during the school year.


Parent/ Teacher Organizations

Regular parent/ teacher meetings will be held at the school to plan various activities held by the organization. All parents and guardians are encouraged to attend.


Parent Volunteers

Crockett County Elementary Schools value their Parent and Community Volunteers. Many of our programs would not be possible without their help. If you are interested in volunteering, contact your child’s teacher or principal.



Birthday treats may be delivered to the office to be shared at the teacher’s discretion. Please consult with the teacher before delivering birthday treats.  Healthy treats and beverages are encouraged.  Invitations to birthday parties or other private events may not be passed out at school unless there is one for every child.



Partners in Education

Crockett County Elementary Schools have various local churches and businesses which help with the needs of the school. Their help is very appreciated and most necessary.


Personal Electronic Devices

School Board Policy 6.312 – Students may not possess electronic devices during the school day. Possession of a personal electronic device will result in confiscation of the device until such time as it may be released to the student’s parent or guardian. A student in violation of this policy is subject to disciplinary action.  Exceptions are reward days when students are allowed to bring a device from home to be used at a specified time with teacher supervision.


Personal Property

Students are discouraged from bringing to school items of value.  The school is not responsible for the safe - being or loss of personal property. Personal property may be taken up by staff when disruptions occur. The decision to return the property is  on an individual basis.


Personnel Qualifications

Parents may request information about the qualifications of teachers and paraprofessionals who instruct their child. Contact the school principal.



School pictures are made one or two times each school year. The dates are announced in advance.


Promotion and Retention Policies

Students will normally progress annually in sequential order from grade to grade. The professional staff will place students at the grade level best suited to them academically, socially and emotionally.  Retention may be made when, in judgment of the teacher, such retention is in the best interest of the student.  Decisions to retain are subject to review and approval of the principal after consultation with the teacher.

In order to enhance the opportunity for remediation, students with deficiencies shall be identified as early as possible in the school year. Parents shall be notified when problems are identified and shall be informed periodically of remedial efforts and given progress reports.

* Failure to maintain a grade average of 70 or above results in failure of that subject.

* Failure of more than one subject may result in repeating the current grade.

*According to the Tennessee Department of Education, third grade students who are not reading proficiently by the end of the third grade may be retained and required to attend Summer Learning Loss Camp and/or tutoring.


Recording Devices

The use of video recording devices is prohibited unless approved by the administration.


Report Cards

Report cards are issued four times throughout the year.  Progress reports are issued at the mid-point of each grading period. Both reports are to be signed by the parent or guardian and returned to school.


School Supplies

Students are expected to have needed school supplies each day.  Please let the office know if your child needs help with supplies.



The administration reserves the right to search automobiles, backpacks, and/or personal property on school premises and school buses.


Service Animals

Please refer to board policy 3.218


Sick or Hurt Students

Please put in writing and discuss with the teacher and school nurse any specific health concerns you have for your child. Please make sure we have current telephone numbers for you and at least two other numbers for to call in case of sickness or emergency. 

Parents will be contacted immediately if live bugs (head lice) or excessive nits are found in a child’s hair. Treatment guidelines and readmission requirements will be provided by the school nurse.

Students with suspected contagious conditions and/or a fever greater than 100 will be sent home.  Such conditions include, but are not limited to: Fever, Rashes, Vomiting, Head Lice (proof of treatment must be provided for student to reenter school) (See Board policy 6.4031), Pink Eye (doctor’s statement must be provided for student to reenter school), Scabies (doctor’s statement must be provided for student to reenter school). Students who run fever, have diarrhea, or are vomiting must be symptom free for 24 hours before returning to school. Illness guidelines will be provided and updated on the website. 


Student Alcohol and Drug Testing

Students are subject to testing for drugs and alcohol during the school year upon reasonable cause.  In the case of positive results of the analysis, the principal shall suspend the student and refer the matter to the Disciplinary Hearing Authority. (For more information, see Board Policy 6.3071)


Student Grievance Procedure

The School Board has established the following for handling personnel complaints and grievances.  The student experiencing the problem is encouraged to discuss the issue in a personal conference with the school principal or with the supervisory person directly in charge.  If this approach is not feasible or if the results are not satisfactory, the student may confer with the next level of supervision or directly with the superintendent.  Each person in the chain of command should make an effort to resolve the problem.  Appeal may be made to the Board of Education for final disposition.  The Board of Education will hear only complaints which have been carried through the proper procedure from the point of origin.


Student Records and Annual Notification of Rights

Within the first three weeks of the school year, the school system will notify the parent(s) of students and eligible students of each student’s privacy rights.  For students enrolling after the above period, this information will be given to the student’s parent(s) or the eligible student at the time of enrollment.  This notice will be provided in the student / parent handbook and will include the right of the student’s parent(s) or the eligible student to:

1)         Inspect and review the student’s educational records;

2)         Seek correction of items in the record which are believed to be inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of the student’s rights, including the right to a hearing upon request;

3)         File a complaint with the appropriate state or federal officials when the school system violates laws and regulations relative to student records;

4)         Obtain a copy of this policy and a copy of such educational records;

5)         Exercise control over other people’s access to records, except when prior written consent is given, or under circumstances provided by law or regulations, or where the school system has designated certain information as “directory information” (see below).  Parent(s) of students or eligible students may advise the school system in writing of items they designate not to be used as directory information.  The records custodian will mark the appropriate student records for which directory information is to be limited, and this designation will remain in effect until modified by the written direction of the student’s parent(s) or the eligible student. 

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law which requires that Crockett County Schools, with certain exceptions, obtain written consent from parent(s) or eligible students prior to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from a student’s educational records.  However, Crockett County Schools may disclose appropriately designated directory information without written consent, unless parents have advised the district to the contrary, in accordance with district procedures.  The primary purpose of directory information is to allow Crockett County Schools to include this type of information from a student’s education records in certain school publications. Examples include but are not limited to: A Playbill, showing a student’s role in a drama production; The annual yearbook; Honor roll or other such recognition lists; Graduation programs; and sport or activity sheets, such as for basketball, showing weight and height of team members.

      Directory information, which is released that is generally not considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if released, can also be disclosed to outside organizations without a parent’s prior written consent. Outside organizations include, but are not limited to, companies that manufacture class rings or publish yearbooks.  In addition, two federal laws require local educational agencies (LEAs) receiving assistance under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to provide military recruiters, upon request, with three directory information categories: names, addresses, and telephone listings.

If parents do not want Crockett County Schools to disclose directory information from their child’s educational records without their prior written consent, they must notify the district in writing each school year by August 15.  Crockett County schools have designated the following information as directory information:

Student’s  name                     Participation in officially recognized

Address                                  activities and sports

Telephone listing                   Weight and height of members of

Electronic mail address         athletic teams

Photograph                            Degrees, honors, and awards received

Date / Place of birth               The most recent educational agency

Major field of study                or institution attended

Dates of attendance              Grade level

The student becomes an eligible student when he/she reaches age 18 or enrolls in a post-secondary school.


Title I

Title I, the largest federal aid program for our nation’s schools, provides millions of children with additional resources needed to be successful in school. Title I supports educational achievement of students, enhances organizational effectiveness of schools, and promotes enriched home-school partnerships. 


Tobacco - Free School       

All uses of tobacco and tobacco products, including smokeless tobacco, are prohibited on all of the school’s campus any student, staff member, or visitor. Smoking is prohibited in any public seating areas or public restrooms.  Any student who possesses tobacco products shall be issued a citation by the school principal.


Unsafe School Choice Policy

Under the Tennessee State Board of Education’s Unsafe School Choice Policy, any public school student who is the victim of a violent crime as defined under Tennessee Code Annotated 40-38-111(g), or the attempt to commit one of these offenses as defined under Tennessee Code Annotated 39-12-101, shall be provided an opportunity to transfer to another grade appropriate school within the district. A copy of this policy is located on the district website.



For the safety of our students and staff, only the front entrance will be accessible during school hours.  All visitors to the school should first report to the front office, sign in at the reception desk, and receive a visitor’s badge. A driver’s license is required to scan into our system.


Weapons and Dangerous Instruments - Zero Tolerance    

Students shall not possess, handle, transmit, use or attempt to use any dangerous weapon in school buildings, on school grounds or on busses at any time.

Certain offenses require an immediate office referral and/or may be considered zero tolerance offenses, outlined in the CCSD Board Policy 6.309. Extreme or chronic behaviors may warrant a referral to the Crockett County Discipline Board. These incidents may immediately result in an out-of-school suspension or other consequences at the discretion of the administrator and will be handled according to CCSD Board Policy. Extreme or chronic behaviors may warrant a referral to Crockett County Discipline Board. Students facing suspension/expulsion will be provided dur process as outlined in the Crockett County District Policy for Student Conduct and Discipline.